Yurika’s Digital Services

What if your energy network could inform emergency services of bushfire threat changes? What if your car could pick you up 
and drop you off and park itself? What if you could track your produce 
from ground to table anywhere in the world?  That's the sort of things we're looking 
to solve through what we can do at Yurika. As communities, businesses, industries and governments evolve to navigate the future,   energy infrastructure companies like Yurika are positioned at the center of this transformation   bridging the gap between energy solutions, telecommunications and data management.   My role coming in as the GM for Digital Services is to look at right across that portfolio   how can we apply digital enablement or digital capability to the entire business to help make   us more efficient and provide our services to more people. Yurika, part of Energy Queensland,   provides a range of services across energy and infrastructure, energy supplies, telecommunications   and metering. Yurika's newest digital services offering includes planning and deployment of 5G   technology through facilities access, internet of things and supporting professional services.   By using established vertical infrastructure, like power poles and street lights, Yurika is improving   connectivity and by integrating devices, including sensors, meters, cameras or in fact any device   that can capture and send data across a network, Yurika is unlocking new opportunities.

So I always   look at data as being a palette of paint, so the palette of paint on its own has a certain value,   but it's the picture you paint with the palette that becomes the thing that people will buy.   Our approach to IoT is providing our customers with access to as many colors in that palette   as possible, so they can take the data that they get from their assets and their devices, combine   it with other sources of data and start to create the kind of pictures that they want to create.  With an internet of things platform that includes business process orchestration, data management,   device management, connectivity management and data collection, analysis and application,   Yurika is finding new ways to use and combine existing technologies to solve new challenges.  So our IoT platform is device agnostic, it's data agnostic, you can bring any sort of   connectivity you want, we can deal with satellite, we can deal with mobile broadband, we can deal with   the low band lower type technologies, it's an ecosystem platform that allows anyone to bring any   device and any sort of data together to combine with other sources of data.

It's pure innovation.  The range of things you can do across that is sort of unexplored, from managing an   energy company and their assets, through to, you know, identifying the heart rate of an oyster,   keeping people safe while they go into the beach, more intelligent water and sewage systems. For the more remote communities, how can they get access to technology that the people in the   city get access to. So we're looking at it from multiple different perspectives to make sure   that anyone can benefit from what's available to them today. Yurika's digital services team is   powering imagination to achieve extraordinary things, by connecting technology and capability   with industries and communities, transforming the way we do business, creating new opportunities,   solving problems and making our 
lives safer and more sustainable.   The possibilities are endless. We want to solve challenges that face the community, society, the environment, but also give you the best outcome for your business. That's what we're doing at Yurika..

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