foreign [Music] hey what's up it's Joe Keith here welcome to my series on Advertising Basics my goal for these videos is to inspire your advertising efforts episode one is a discussion on what advertising is advertising is any activity a...
what's going on everybody so in this video we are gonna be talking about my five top presentation tips you absolutely need to know to crush your presentations and close more deals now before we go ahead and get started make...
– So the next topic we wanna discuss is basically how can companies choose which target market to serve. Or in other words which type of consumers to serve. So we learned about consumer behavior and we understand that some consumers...
Do you ever daydream about early retirement, exotic vacations, or simply not stressing about money? Many of us envision a certain level of financial comfort, but the reality can often fall short. If you find yourself constantly worrying about bills, unable...
Are you truly living the financial life you desire? For many of us, this is a question that prompts reflection and perhaps a bit of unease. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day demands of work, family, and other...
Today, I’m going to do the popular activity that is a trendy sport now which is…. Surf Skate Beyond it’s fun, Surf Skate boost your cardio fitness Also, It’s a cool sport that fits for the chic people. Today, I’ll make...
– Business development is one of the most underrated strategies when it comes to growing your business. So in this video, I'm gonna break down three of some of the best business development strategies the top companies are using. I'm talking...
– In this module we're going to discuss five different topics. The first one will talk about consumer behavior. We will define what consumer behavior is and why it's important. We will then talk about, in the second one, the model...
In the episode last week, we saw the five candidates compete in the CV review There will only be three people who will go through the next stage an interview with the CEO of Gotosovie Who are they? Let the interview...
Are you living the financial life you desire? It's a question we should all ask ourselves regularly. For many, the answer might be a resounding "no," but that doesn't mean it's a permanent state. Achieving financial freedom and living the life...