Investment for BEGINNERS Are money marketing fund SAFE Know the RISK INVOLVED #investment #money

question for you is risk a bad thing or 
a good thing now let's say give this a   thought let's say those who worked on Industrial 
Revolution to make this work today toes right now   terms of development technology uh Global 
markets business uh creativity innovation art sales and markets education religion name 
it I'm telling you without these individuals or   certain individuals who took their time to risk 
to to come up with ideas in different fields   of let's say artwork fields of investment fields 
of Education fields of innovation and creativity   like for example but noway have the chbt and AI 
it was only the risk of certain individuals who   took the risk to test something in order to 
come up with these Tech of things or digital   of things s that you see today now remember 
also risk it depends on the rate the rate of   the risk or who are you risking with or what 
company are you dealing with terms of risk or   what are the set the set standards or let's say 
also uh why you risking you know when you give it   a thought you find that risk is not a bad thing 
actually every investor is a risk taker any who   invest let's say in stocks and shares in digital 
markets in trading in Forex in real estates find   that these people calculated their moves and every 
risk that is taken there's always a big outcome   therefore and Market funds have low risks and to 
invest in them is a thumbs up and it's a good move   terms investment therefore never never fail to 
invest especially start now this time 202 2024 1   month 2025 you see the difference in your life you 
find that with marketing fund it is very easy to   access your money terms of withdrawal and deposits 
you can money in terms of dep anytime especially   uh when you have linked your account with let's 
say an online port with the money marketing F   that you have chosen or Market money marketing F 
of a choice also remember uh apart from linking   with the online portal we can also open and app 
or download app with the S or particular M Market   found from the app store or Play Store also you 
can L the you find that the money marketing fund   your account is link to the Essa so that you can 
withw easily and deposit easily like what I've   shown here in my past withdrawals and my past 
deposit with am fund have been using the past   few months and years now let's talk to let's see 
sorry let's look at uh uh truste C now remember   very important that every marketing marketing has 
a trusty and a custodian now remember these two   should work separately to avoid mutual interest so 
that avoid also to avoid risk risk terms of mutual   interest and remember it is very very safe when 
they work very safe when they work in different   or separate entities now let's talk about cash 
security or money security that money that sa   security yes your money is safe when you save 
and invest in money marketing FR and remember   why is it safe this is the reason because every 
cash or money that is invested in either or any   any marke F in Kenya or let's say the entire 
univers you are USA any part of the country   part of the world and that the government or the 
the regulator does the tracking of the investment   done like in Kenya we have the Kenya marketing 
fund track records this professional body makes   sure that money is managed well and there's cash 
flow and also the money that is invested yeah if   you do not bring back my money tomorrow I will 
roast you like a goat I mean it unless you want to that he can he or she can assess and track 
the and track the network also track and track   his or her servings in terms of monly and we so 
mind marketing funds are risk friendly now let's   go to risk associ associated with or sa in Ming 
marketing fund now remember the risk in is very   low actually very low at percentage of 25% in 
case of inflation or economy crashes and that   the money that was ear saved or invested is not 
lost because there is a regulator the c cap M   Authority and also professional managers who make 
sure that your money is invested in safe areas in   order to avoid risk and order for you to assess it 
and also to make plans in various investment you   want to make now remember is not is not good to 
put your head in one basket but you can invest in   different areas invest in stocks invest in real 
estates invest in special Bill and bonds also   investing in different currencies okay you the 
Curren gold silver you know just invest and also   I'm sure if you do so in terms of investment and 
Financial Freedom and financial literacy you get   to to you a Financial Freedom life and your life 
terms of finance will be cuted for until next time   and remember guys s tell me that you guys are 
still watching but must subscribe therefore hit   the smash or smash the like button subscribe 
and let's see you in the next video bye-bye

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