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How To Sell Anything To Anyone | The REAL Reasons Customers Won’t Buy (Tech Sales, B2B Sales, SaaS) | Internet InfoMedia
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How to Sell Anything to Anyone | The REAL Reasons Customers Won’t Buy (Tech Sales, B2B Sales, SaaS)

How to Sell Anything to Anyone | The REAL Reasons Customers Won’t Buy (Tech Sales, B2B Sales, SaaS)

in this video i'm going to show you how to close more sales and give you my top reasons for why customers don't buy your product and service now before we get started make sure to give this video a like subscribe turn on notifications and let's go ahead and dive in the first reason for why customers don't buy your product or service is that your product and service is not good i know sometimes when you're a sales person or a business development person you can't really control what your product and service is but if you're an entrepreneur you absolutely can but i see this time and time again you can get the best sales person selling something but if that product or service does not solve a real problem in the market and it's just not competitive it's going to be extremely difficult to sell and i saw this quote by this investor called name naval if you have to do sales it's probably because you're not good at marketing and you have to do a lot of marketing is probably because your product and service is not good so the best product and services actually can spread through word of mouth you'll get repeat customers and people will tell their friends because how great the service or product is if you find yourself struggling to sell a product and service for example if you're like a coach for example like a business coach which you know some of you guys are and nobody's really buying your product and service maybe it's not competitive maybe you're not guaranteeing anything maybe your offering is just not that good and sometimes by just changing your offer and selling it in the exact same way that can actually blow up your sales by just switching your product and service now if you're a sales person or a business development person working at another company and you feel like their products and services just aren't good i think it's time to look at different products and services to sell and a lot of times maybe you don't have that option but think about it like this if you just lost your job for whatever reason and you have nowhere to go you basically have no options right you're basically in the same place anyway so i would always be looking for the best products and services and the reality is the best sales people get to sell the best products and services because they're actually good at selling so when you get the best sales person combined with the best product that person is going to make significantly more money than everybody else because they got the best product it's the easiest to sell and they are the best so you always want to align yourself with the industry leader or someone who is the best or best in a certain niche because that will make it easier for you to sell by far that is like the best advice i can give just sell a product that is easy to sell and you just make money that way so how do you know if your product and service is actually good well the most important factor especially when it comes to things that provide utility is going to be things that solve for pain pain is the strongest emotion that will get someone to take an action if you break your leg what are you gonna do go to the doctor you're not just gonna leave it like that right if you haven't eaten all day and your stomach hurts and you wanna eat some food that's a pain you're gonna go to any restaurant available right you're gonna eat anything doesn't matter if it's good or bad you just need to get full or let's say you just broke up with your girlfriend or boyfriend and you have a big hole in your heart what are you gonna do you got a problem you're gonna go on tinder for example right it's all about pain pain is the thing that drives us to take action and we're all human at the end of the day right and it's emotion that really drives us i don't think most people are just purely logical and people buy emotionally and they justify those things logically if you can understand what pains a potential customer has and you show them that your product or service solves for that specific pain better than anybody else cheaper than anybody else that doesn't always have to be cheaper but faster than everybody else more reliably than anybody else they're more likely to buy your products and service now you could say that you solve all these pains but the next step is if they don't believe that you can actually do it then you're not gonna make that so very very important distinction right because at the end of the day when it comes to like let's say products and services most things will become commoditized and most industries most products and services are gonna have a million competitors so if everybody's saying that they can increase your revenue with facebook ads literally everybody you know under something can do that so the next step is really how likely are you to do it in terms of like what is the chance of success if i pay you money to do this job if it's not likely that you can get the job done i am not going to pay you a premium but if i know for a fact and you can guarantee that you're gonna get the job done or my money back or maybe i don't even pay you until you do a good job right that would even be a better guarantee then you know i'm more likely to go with this particular service provider now if you don't have the skills to make those kind of crazy offers where it you take all the risk then understand that you're not gonna make as many sales because your offer is just not as competitive as the pros but if you believe in yourself you're going to work your butt off maybe your company is going to work your butt off and they're going to actually deliver on the things that they promise then it's okay to make those guarantees because you know most of the time let's say 9 out of 10 that you are going to deliver on whatever you promise two parts of that summary right it's one what is the pain can you actually solve it better than everybody else number two what is your guarantee what is the customer's perceived likelihood of success that if they pay you that you can actually get the job done because the more you can get them to believe the higher prices you can command i would rather pay more money to know for sure that this person can get the job done and do it well and do it fast than the other guy who i'm like fifty percent maybe he'll get it done but he's much cheaper i'm not gonna go with this guy it's gonna give me a waste of time right i'm gonna pay the premium to pay for the guy that gets the job done the next thing we're going to talk about is going to be time now timing is very important because if you're at the right place and the right time and you're selling a specific product and service that solves someone's problem and you can guarantee you can solve it and that person at that moment needs it a lot easy sell right it's not even like you have to push them to do anything they already want to do it now in other cases you may not be as lucky where somebody wants to buy your product and service and they actually need it but maybe they don't need it until three months later and so you have to basically keep in touch with this person until the time is right so when you're prospecting if you're someone that is prospecting or maybe if you're taking sales call right you have to understand that sometimes you're lucky and the timing's perfect for that customer and other times you're not as lucky and you have to wait a little bit there's nothing wrong with waiting i did a lot when i was at oracle because you know when i was selling the hospitals they moved very slow like literally you have to wait months before something happens totally okay but you understand that timing is very important if it's not the right time today when will the time be in the future and just keep up to date with them until the time is there even if they give you a timeline let's say they say something like oh you know like we're going to get this done like six months from now respect that you know they need a little time to get to where they need to go before they can buy your product and service but i would actually challenge them and ask them like okay well you want to do it six months from now but what's stopping you from doing it this month so you're not being rude you're not telling them what to do you're challenging them with a question again you're not telling them what to do you're not saying like you need to buy this thing right now because you're so dumb right you're not saying that you're saying like i understand that it's gonna take six months for you to be ready to move forward with this totally respect it but you know just curious how come you guys don't get it done this month it seems like this is something that's very critical for your business right and you can also say like if i were your shoes i would actually put this on priority because it would do x y and z like increase revenue whatever if you can shorten someone's timeline you increase your odds of you actually selling that product and service to them because you're actually helping them right you're almost like consulting them and saying like you would actually make more money if you did this thing this way that's kind of what you're saying but you don't want to force it on them you want to ask the right questions and get them to come to that conclusion on their own and then when they think like oh that's pretty interesting why am i waiting six months why don't i do it next week right why don't i just start tomorrow because it should be the number one priority in my business so if you can actually shorten their timeline that's going to help you a lot in sales and no matter what type of product and service you're selling there's always a way to shorten someone's time right so if someone wants to buy one month from now can you shorten it to one week if someone wants to buy this week can you shorten it to three days if somebody wants to buy two days from now can you close them on the phone right now obviously depends on your industry depends on what product and service you're selling whether it's strategic or transactional like a transactional thing would be like painting your house for example right it's just like either you're gonna do it or not it's not very strategic but strategic would be like integrating your crm into your sales pipeline right that's very strategic so depends on what it is but there's always a way to shorten someone's timeline and the best way to do it is to challenge the other person and get them to realize why they need to speed up the next topic we're going to be talking about is going to be budget budget is a really big one in sales because sometimes a customer talks to you but they don't even have money to buy your products and services so they are what i call a waste of time in other cases maybe they don't have the budget today but they will have it in the future and this is you know very common in larger enterprises where every quarter or every year or whatever you know a budget opens they decide like how much they're gonna spend on software and then they pass it down to all the people that actually execute on buying that software so if the prospect doesn't have the budget to buy your product or service today ask them like when is the budget going to open up and then when it opens up that's when you follow up and that's when you actually try to do the presentation and so and all those kinds of things if you know like very confidently they're going to buy your product and service or they're going to buy it from somebody but you wanna make sure that you you can say hey you know i understand that your budget's gonna be opening up two months from now but how about this you know since you're gonna you know buy software anyways let me show you like how this thing works and how we're going to be able to help you out and when the time comes you know you have all the information you need to make the appropriate decision does that work for you and this really only works if you know confidently that the budget will actually open up because otherwise it's going to be a waste of time if they don't have money to buy your product service so you can always do the pitch before they have the budget and then you know try to get the sale when they do get the budget or you can follow up with them later on when they do have the budget now what if in a situation they don't have the budget to afford your product and service right in some cases you might just want to move on to the next person because it may be a waste of time in other cases you can reverse engineer it so that instead of them paying you up front if you have a product or service that makes the customer more money you can actually ask for the money after you help that customer make money for example let's say you ran facebook ads for clients right and you're basically guaranteeing that you're gonna get them 2x their ad spend right so that means if they spend ten thousand dollars with you they're gonna make twenty thousand dollars okay ten thousand in twenty thousand out so you can say okay um you don't have to pay me anything upfront let me do my thing and help you like double your money or your budget and then i'm going to take 20 of it right i'm just throwing a random number in that situation you de-risk yourself you're just like you don't have to pay me a fixed fee how about i just take a cut of the money that you make and then pretty much my services are free because i'm doing all this work for you without you having to pay anything upfront and then i'm going to get paid because i'm so confident in my skills and i'm confident i can sell your products and services using facebook ads that you know just give me a cut and then we'll you know go that way right and that way you can actually sell to clients who have a good product and service that you can market on facebook ads and make a good healthy percentage on whatever you are able to sell it doesn't matter if you have the money or not because you're gonna make the money you're just gonna take a cut so that's one way you can actually do it as well and so those are going to be some of my sales tip for you if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a like subscribe turn on notifications and i'll see you guys in the next one

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