Google My Business Products – How to Add Fast

Hello there my name is Chris Palmer and in today's 
Google My Business products video i want to share   with you a massive tip that will certainly 
help with your product importation so i want   to share with you first a scenario a scene for 
you the business owner that has been plaguing us   business owners and i know it has been for you now 
i've actually gone through to see if anybody else   was sharing and showcasing this particular tip and 
as i was going through they were all going through   the same painstaking process that i'm going to 
walk you through now so regardless of the video   they're all doing it just like this and this 
is what drives business owners crazy it goes a   little like this you're going to come over here 
to your left-hand side and stick with me i have   a massive tip for you that will certainly help 
out for adding your google my business products   so stick with me but let me set this scenario 
let me set the scene that you're going through   all right so we're down here on the left hand side 
here we have posts we have info insights reviews   products and services depending on the category 
that you're in you might only have products   you might only have services some people might 
have both but we're going to click on products   now when we're inside of our products we're going 
to go ahead and get started and this is the exact   process that you would have to do depending on 
how many products you have you might have only   10 not so bad you might have 20 30 40 50 not so 
bad couple hours but hey what if i have a hundred   or a thousand what if i had uh just a hundred or 
fifty how long would this take so we're gonna have   to select our photo all right let's take our photo 
product name so we'd have to add the name we're   gonna have to pick the category of the product 
you'd have to set that the category let's say it's   seo we come in here we have to put the price let's 
say it's uh a thousand dollars okay and the list   goes on so this is the description right so we had 
to put our description inside of there and then of   course we're adding the buy and we have to put our 
link inside of there now times that by x amount of   products and google knows that this is plaguing 
this is driving business owners completely mad   because they keep pushing it off however it's 
very helpful for producing sales now google had   the initiative google understands that this is 
a issue for business owners just like you so let   me go ahead and share with you something that i 
haven't seen any other seos on youtube share yet   so i thought that it would be a value add for 
you let's come inside here and i want to share   with you a particular company that is allowing 
you to go ahead and do all of this automatically   complementary and the best part is is not only is 
it fast not only is it easy not only is it free   for now but it's also a google owned asset let me 
introduce you to a company called pointy so pointy   uh first and foremost let's do this 
owned by google p-o-i-n-t-y pointy   is the name of the company all right so 
google acquires pointy a startup to help   brick and mortar companies this is pointy it's 
going to help you load in all of your products   now i haven't seen anybody talking about 
this and it's blowing my mind because it's   definitely an ad that i suggest to customers 
and clients that i've worked with previously   so i want to go ahead and share with you this 
so we're going to head on over here to pointy   and you can read all about it google acquired 
them and let me bring you to their website so   it's p o i n t y dot com so this is 
and what's great about is you can go   ahead and apply and inside of here let me share 
with you the pricing as long as you're eligible   it is a complimentary product now the features 
are depending on your point of sale you can go   ahead and these massive companies are utilizing it 
plus hundreds more you're able to just go in there   and as you can see here it's going to go 
ahead and just add your products in there   automatically and it's really going to save you 
all of the time to go through here and add them   one by one by one just like i've seen a lot of 
other seo suggesting which is complete madness   right so i just wanted to share with you this tool 
again it is owned by google go ahead and please   read about it it's called it's a free 
tool it's to add your products fast easy secure   it's owned by google my name is chris palmer if 
you have any future questions related to google   my business Google My Business products Google My Business services Google My Business SEO just regular seo digital marketing facebook ads 
google ads it doesn't matter anything always feel   free to go ahead and ask in the comments below 
and i most certainly look forward to seeing you   in the next google my business how to add google 
my business products video have a wonderful day.

: How to add Google My Business Products by Chris Palmer.

As found on YouTube
