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Geography Grade 12 Unit 2 Part 1 Afaan Oromootin

Geography Grade 12 Unit 2 Part 1 Afaan Oromootin

Ma Ra Ro R Clash [Music] Set Sajsh A R clate change is one of the sign challenges man so there are several arguments over the concept of clate change scientifically speaking there is no doubt about the existence of global warming and climate change so There are several arguments as to whether there is a world war, … gey has to contribute understanding of theal dimension of clate change contribute understanding of the complex di of theate ra edci ge diff po imp and ra diff ra diff ra b con of cl change as glob clate change cons of clate change ad and internation ag the res of the bic concept of clate change how clate exp examp clate diff exp no tells what ty of cl have in cl r ches theage inic are r yn diff a of time diff of time will 3 197 27 3 clate the of at in over clash example the in the war hum all light na no no theate are of ي the the gl no gl when glob gl رن of change happ over are talking about the global a of change happ over while that last was much hter than the usual in the place where we live is this a sign of climate change like say every for the de has been is this a of clate change drmon and of در one of the end sci at is the average temperature of the earth which has been increasing for many years this and this is called a global warming glob war one of the the temp of which has been in r gl aram glob war des glob war the gr incre inage tempure of the glob war temp of gl gl gl glob temp the no no [ music] Lord R this is air wat and land allent theate allent the a the more Rbr Rawn globe war leading a of ينين رب كش for إن دا for and ززن wqt an shaft sra acc the interment world metal oration a nation en clate change a change in the of the that can be identified by change in the mean and the viability of it properties extend tyes change in theate of theate change in that be ent by ches in jk the it j in of end typ that per forend wf [music] light yt ri it any change inate over time any change inate over time يت the reason why you came to me than to the work of icc and other group sst working on the of clate change we the cons of رَ ر in the mind of clate change is aant problem that simply imp that it will The previous assessment has already multiple evidence that the clate is changing across our large As a result of human y da djr ks da da j cause the most convincing evidence of clate drives from observation of the atmospheric o ence ob and shows that the atmospheric concentration of important green house gases carbon dioxide and increased over the centigrade No, I do n't

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