China – 10 Fascinating and Interesting Facts #facts #china

Music top 10 facts about people:’s, republic of china, splendidly diverse in its geographic, ethnic, culinary and social makeup. China is a nation on the march developing at a rate unmatched in human history.

Already huge cities are adding sprawling suburbs and cutting edge architecture on a day by day basis, even as an ever expanding web of high speed rail ties.

The country together welcome to our youtube channel bloom tech info media, a place where you get info about some amazing and interesting top facts about the world: Applause, Music, so Music fact number one Music.

With an area of 9 6 million square kilometers.

China is the fourth largest country in the world and the most populous nation on earth, with around 1 35 billion people of these 92 are of the han ethnic group, with the remainder comprising about 60 minorities such as mongols, uyghurs and tibetans fact number two: the main Religions are buddhism, taoism and christianity, though the country is officially atheist.

Fact number three Music, china’s longest river is the yangtze 6275 kilometers and the highest peak is chomulama mount everest 8850 meters on the nepalese border fact number four.

The chinese communist party is the sole political organization and is divided into executive, legislative and judicial branches.

The chief of state president and the head of government premier are elected for five year terms.

At the national people,’s congress fact number five Music.

After decades of state planning, the economy is now mixed with nationally owned enterprises on the decline and free market principles ubiquitous fact: number six Music. In the last decade, china built enough houses to fill the whole japan fact number seven.

The chinese believe that the number eight is lucky because it sounds similar to the word for prosperity.


Eight 20 million trees are cut every year to make chopsticks in china fact number nine in the west of china.

The sun does not rise until 10.

A m fact: number 10, china,’s.

Railway lines could loop around earth twice, so these were top 10 facts about china that we discussed in our today’s, video.

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For you see you soon in the next video with some more amazing facts about the world travel of yours and ours will continue like this. Take care of yourself and ones around you till then all aha fees, Music.

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