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4 TIPS on How To LEGALLY Avoid Paying Child Support

4 TIPS on How To LEGALLY Avoid Paying Child Support

hi everyone i am a wisconsin 
lawyer and today i'm going to   talk to you about how to avoid child support my name is kyle kaufman i am a lawyer at in this video i'm going   to answer the question of how do i avoid child 
support i get that question a lot as an attorney   who deals with divorces and child support cases 
and it really comes down to four things i call   those the four c's okay so let's go through those 
the first c is to consult it's free consult with   a lawyer someone like me to go in and get more 
educated on what child support is and how it might   impact you both as the pay or the person who's 
going to pay it and the payee the person who might   receive it you might have some knowledge already 
on those issues but you really want to go in and   learn from a lawyer and listen to what that lawyer 
has to say about what child support is how a court   might arrive at determining that and get some 
basic facts about how child support is calculated   all right now with that basis of knowledge right 
there you'll be able to go back and enter into   the next c okay the next c i call communication 
right communicate with your soon-to-be ex if   you're going through a divorce or if you're 
already split up and you're reviewing support   or you're never married to that person but 
you have a child together we call those   post-judgment child support review actions 
okay you want to communicate with that person   and communication is not just talking right 
sometimes it's just listening asking questions   so you'd want to go to the other parent and say 
well what do you think about this scenario what   should we do financially for the best interest of 
our child or children and a lot of people make the   mistake of making their proposal first and getting 
it out there and sometimes your proposal is might   be better than what the other person actually 
wants or thinks is reasonable so ask and listen   to what the other parent has to say now when you 
open up that line of communication it's also going   to give the other parent a feeling that they 
have some say in this process and that you are   actually listening to them and listening to what 
their needs are specifically as to how it impacts   their ability to financially support the child 
in their home and in your home so ask listen   then respond and then talk about your position 
on those things now communication these days   has changed right it's evolved people are talking 
less and less in person or on the phone and a lot   of these communications we're seeing these days 
are in text messages or emails which sometimes   is not the best way to do it you're gonna have 
to do something uncomfortable and actually get   on the telephone or in person with that other 
parent and communicate about some of these ideas   trust me your chances at avoiding child support 
will be much better if you're communicating with   the other parent the third c guys right we've got 
consult with an attorney we've got communicate   with the other parent the third one is create be 
creative all right you have to create some options   other than just a court imposed order of here's 
x amount of dollars that you're going to pay   every month to support your children how can you 
be creative in that process of communication right   you've listened you asked questions listened 
responded you're having some now discourse and   some some back and forth about what your child 
actually needs so you want to be creative well   how can i not be forced to pay child support 
but still provide for health insurance dental   insurance vision insurance how can i pay for the 
child's activities the tax dependency exemption   and child tax credit transportation travel 
expenses there are all sorts of different ways   that you may be able to come up with options so 
you're not just paying child support but you are   financially supporting your child and it satisfies 
the needs of the child or children and the other   parent and the fourth one is certainty okay you 
have to control as much as you can your outcome   and what that means is if you cannot arrive at 
an agreement with the other parent your audience   changes and now it goes to a court you're less 
certain to have the outcome that you want if   you're turning it over to a judge to decide those 
issues for you so think about that certainty and   what you want for an outcome and maybe it's 
that you pay some portion of child support   and you're contributing to these variable expenses 
school costs and extracurricular activities and   insurance that we discussed before but you're 
controlling your outcome in something that you   can live with and that the other parent can live 
with and that meets the needs of your children

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