☑️ The 1-Page MARKETING Plan (AudioBook) by Allan Dib 🎧
foreign for this reason you'll find signposts
along the way in this audiobook that will lead you to a special resources section of the
one-page marketing plan website these resources are exclusively available to listeners of this
audiobook and are designed to go hand in hand with it they include the one-page marketing plan
canvas and examples as well as links videos and articles referenced throughout this audiobook
access these resources at marketingaudiobook.com everyone introduction what's this all about if I had to summarize the essence of this book
in one sentence it would be the fastest path to the money I've purposely put this as early as
humanly possible in the book because I don't want to waste your time I know for a certainty
that this opening sentence will be off-putting to a large number of people and frankly I'd much
prefer they read someone else's business book full of ear tickling cliches like Follow Your Passion
work hard hire the right people blah blah blah if that's what you're after then search Amazon
they'll be a gazillion business books there for you on all these Airy fairy Concepts and
much more mostly written by professional authors and researchers who've never actually
built a high growth business book is blatantly and unashamedly about growing your business fast
and reaping the rewards of that kind of success running out of oxygen really sucks as
Zig Ziglar famously said money isn't everything but it ranks right up there with
oxygen yep nothing nothing kills a business faster than a lack of oxygen AKA money why am
I so unashamedly focused on the money getting there are a few good reasons firstly there's
almost no business problem that can't be solved with more money which is handy because almost
every business I know of is full of problems money helps you solve the vast majority of
things that make business a pain in the backside secondly when you've taken care of yourself you
have a chance to help others if you didn't go into business to make money then you're either
lying or you have a hobby not a business and yes I know all about delivering value changing
the world and so on but how much of that are you going to do if you're broke how many people can
you help when you board an airplane and they're going through all the safety procedures the
airline attendant will inevitably get to a point that goes something like this should the cabin
experience sudden pressure loss oxygen masks will drop down from above your seat Place The Mask over
your mouth and nose and pull the strap to tighten if you are traveling with children or someone who
requires assistance make sure that your own mask is on first before helping others why fit your
own mask before helping others because if you're slumped over your seat suffering from a lack of
oxygen one you can't help anyone else and even worse two we now have to deploy scarce resources
to come and help you otherwise you'll soon be dead knowing what to do in his book titled the book
of survival Anthony Greenbank wrote to live through an impossible situation you don't
need to have the reflexes of a Grand Prix driver the muscles of a Hercules the mind of
an Einstein you simply need to know what to do the statistics vary on exactly what percentage of
businesses fail within the first five years some estimates put it as high as 90 percent however
I've never seen this statistic being quoted as anything less than 50 percent that means that
if we're being super optimistic you have a 50 50 chance of still having your doors open after five
years however here's where it really gets worse the statistics take into account only businesses
that completely cease Trading they don't take into account the businesses that Plateau at a
low level and slowly kill or make the lives of their owners miserable have you ever wondered why
most small businesses Plateau at a mediocre level at one end of the spectrum there's Pete the
Plumber who works 16-hour days weekends and never takes holidays while barely making
enough to keep his head above water foreign